Fashion Week Just Got Easier! Fashion week just got more stylish with same-day delivery! A lot is going on...
Delivering gratitude… CEO, Zogby, wanted to share his gratitude list for our incredible team! #Grateful Appreciating Team Members Goes A...
It’s that time of year again. You’re making a list and checking it twice. From your valued employees to...
Tolling Plan Would Shutter Businesses, Cut Jobs, RDS Owner Says. He recently voiced his opposition to a controversial tolling...
We all deserve opportunities at employment that sustain us and bring us joy. This is just one of the...
New York Fashion Week, set for Sept. 9 to 15 this year, is one of the hottest tickets in...
We Have All the Ingredients for Perfect Meal Deliveries! If you’re a business, organization, or nonprofit that needs prepared...
It’s no secret, we love trading secrets! At RDS, we love sharing ideas with our clients that will help...
We’re helping to make our community better! The team at RDS Same Day Delivery is proud to be part...
We Got ‘Jack’d’ When Jack Daly Came to Town! When Jack Daly speaks, business people owe it to...
Queens Business & Community Leaders Together Again! For two years, the Queens Chamber of Commerce was unable to hold...
Do you know a hero? We do! Larry was recently honored by the Queens Chamber of Commerce as one...
Sell smarter, not harder! Jack Daly’s Smart Selling workshops are an absolute must for any sales...
Let’s fight the latest surge together! First, it was the initial COVID-19 wave. Then it was the Delta variant....
During the evening, we gave out prizes, which included a 42-inch flat-screen TV, Apple AirPods, an Oculus Quest reality...
It’s Going to be EPIC! At RDS Same Day Delivery, there’s only one thing we like better than attending...
We celebrate workers with disabilities this month and every month! Have you ever missed out on a great job...
Here are just some of the reasons why RDS is your go-to choice for medical-related logistics: We are trained...
Let’s face it. It’s a common belief that business conventions are glorified vacations for corporate big wigs. But the...
As businesses in New York City and the surrounding areas continue to reopen and regain their pre-pandemic footing, RDS...
You Helped Make the Evening With Donovan Richards Special What an evening! The June 8 “Meet and Greet” at...
Sign Up for Our June 8 Meet and Greet! Larry Zogby, owner of RDS, is honored to host this...
“Whatever you need.” It’s been just over one year since Larry Zogby, owner of RDS, used those three simple...
At RDS, we’re always looking for ways to improve our delivery services, especially when it involves taking advantage of...
Starting at sundown on Feb. 24 and ending at roughly 10 p.m. on Feb, 25, the team at RDS...
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