Open An Account

Stay in Control With All Your Deliveries

Do you schedule deliveries frequently and need a system that will do the work for you? You’ve come to the right place! With your RDS account, you can quickly place orders and track all of your packages with real-time updates.

To stay ahead of the game and schedule your deliveries in seconds!

Just Two Easy Steps—and You’re All Set!

1) Add Your Payment Method
Pay via credit card or check

2) Create Your Account using our online ordering system

Why Open an RDS Account?

Our online system provides you with many advantages, including:

  • Fast ordering
  • Tracking capabilities
  • Quick online payments
  • Saved contacts
  • Customized profile and address book
  • …And much more!

Choose Faster Same-Day Shipping Today!

To oversee all of your deliveries and stay organized.

To contact us regarding your account:

📝 Fill out our online form

☎️ Or call us at 212.260.5800.

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