Mobile App
Why wait until you can get to a computer, and then spend time tracking down a website address, when there’s an app for that? Using our free HyperShip app, you can plan your order from any location. Simply download HyperShip from the App Store, and then order and track your shipment from your smartphone or tablet. When you’re on the move and can’t afford to slow down, our mobile app meets your pace.
Customer Portal
Chances are, you don’t have the bandwidth to constantly schedule deliveries from scratch. That’s why we developed our customer portal: so that you can spend less time scheduling orders, and more time making money. With your RDS Same Day Delivery account, you can manage all aspects of your delivery service, including:
Desktop Icon
We strive to provide not only speedy delivery service, but a speedy ordering process as well. Using our desktop icon, you can quickly access our Customer Portal and place your order in no time.
GPS Tracking
You have a right to know your shipment’s status 24/7. Our GPS tracking provides real-time status updates for your peace of mind. As your shipment moves through the supply chain, you can oversee its progress through every stage.
Custom Invoicing
Keep track of your statements with our convenient, hassle-free process. Using our custom invoicing, you can bill back every order to a specific client code, project number or an internal reference. In addition, all of our invoices can be sub-grouped and sub-totaled by department or reference.
Need service right away? Quickly get a quote for your delivery.
To contact our team, fill out our online form or call RDS Same Day Delivery at 212-260-5800.
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