
See What Our Clients Are Saying

“Just wanted to take a second to tell you how impressed I was with the two drivers you sent over on Monday. They were groomed nicely, very professional and ready to get to work. Even during my morning meeting with the team they were very attentive. Loved the vehicles, excellent choice! I have decided to add another one of your drivers to the Monday operation and one daily Tuesday -Friday because your guys are want I want my customers to see representing TNT. Thanks again for your support!!!”

– Kevin Nichols, Regional Operations Director

TNT Express

“I must say, that your staff has and continues to be time sensitive and terrific to work with. I appreciate the attention to our requests and the timeliness and responsiveness to our deliveries. You have a great team of professionals.”

– Eileen Solomon

Mount Sinai Hospital

“Everything is going well, and your driver and helper who assisted  us at the Fancy Food Show last week, evidently impressed all our staff. You can give him a big hug from  City Harvest.”

– Matthew Reich Vice President, Operations

City Harvest

“Thank you for all your cooperation and partnership with Netflix.

We really admire your dedication to making our business succeed.”

– Abraham Gomez, Operations Manager


“I’ve been relying on RDS Same Day Delivery  to manage all of my important delivery and logistical needs for over 18 years. I always know I can count on RDS to appear on time.”

– David Copperfield

David Copperfield

Accessibility Tools

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