RDS Shares 5 Secrets for Successful Partnerships

Cheers to Building More Strong Relationships in 2020!

The new year is a great opportunity to start seeing things more clearly, especially with a year like “2020” welcoming us. As we reflect on 2019, we are grateful for the challenges we’ve overcome and humbled by the successes we’ve achieved. But it also got us thinking. What inside tips can we offer to our partners and clients that’ll lead them toward greater success in the months ahead, too?

We’ve come up with five!

Over the last two decades, Larry Zogby, RDS president and owner, has learned a great deal about business partnerships, mentoring and the importance of making industry connections. His knowledge has helped RDS blossom into the tri-state’s No. 1 courier service. So, as a gift from our team to yours, we’d like to share some of the tips we’ve learned over the years.

5 Secrets to Becoming Successful—The RDS Way

1. Get involved.
Being active in the industry community is key. Zogby learned this secret over 20 years ago when he attended his very first New York State Messenger Courier Association Trade Show. During session breaks, Zogby would network with other business associates—using his magic tricks as a way to break the ice. He’ll never forget meeting one of his mentors that day: Tony Racioppo, owner of SDS Global Logistics. Known as Uncle Tony, Racioppo was the first person to instill in Zogby the importance of becoming involved in the industry—both locally and nationally. “That conversation changed the course of my professional career,” Zogby says.

2. Attend trade shows.
Attending trade shows and conferences is another smart way to network and make connections in the industry. Take it from Zogby: Since his introduction into the business, he’s attended more than 70 national trade shows! Connections through these events have allowed him to serve as a six-year board member of the National Customized Logistics and Delivery Association and also got him involved with the local New York State Messenger and Courier Association.

3. Keep learning.
RDS is connected to a wide variety of industry experts. We do our best to learn from them so we can continue to improve our own customers’ experiences. Being open to new ideas and ways of doing things helps us enhance our services.

4. Be a mentor.
Just as Uncle Tony inspired Zogby two decades ago, we encourage you to share ideas with clients, partners and even competitors at times—so you, too, can emerge as a leader in your area of expertise. Zogby reports that his leadership roles have taught him best practices for the messenger industry, but also for business in general.

“Over the years,” Zogby says, “I have gained the trust and respect of my competitors locally and nationally. I have earned a ton of opportunity from my peers because not all local delivery services are equal and national delivery services often need a local messenger service within NYC to execute. Some of my best friends today are my competitors.”

5. Find value in relationships.
At RDS, we view our business relationships as more than just vendor-client arrangements. We enjoy taking the time to get to know our clients because our company truly values the partnerships we’ve created. Finding value in working relationships can only benefit both parties because it allows you to see things from different perspectives—and to grow. What could be better than that?

Start a Conversation Today

We look forward to gaining new partnerships in 2020 and will continue to work on improving the services we provide on a daily basis. Feel free to reach out to us for all of your delivery and logistic needs. You can get in touch with us here. Happy New Year!

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